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The Reality of Travel Blogging When Tragedy Hits

Planning out itineraries, describing the best local restaurants, and providing people with tips and travel hacks, honestly brings us both so much joy! Nothing makes us happier than realizing our work has come to life by enabling someone to have an easier and more enjoyable trip. But when something horrible happens in your life, how do you continue to blog about the best pizza and budget hotels? What happens when all of a sudden time stops for you, but continues on for everyone around you?

On March 19, Patty Gallagher (Michael’s mother) suddenly passed away. Without notice, a beautiful, sunny Saturday turned into the worst day of our lives. As all of you who read our blog on a regular basis are familiar with, we are incredibly positive. We aim to spread cheer and happiness and to provide informative blogs that make lives easier. But when you’re all of a sudden blindsided with a tragedy, it is pretty difficult to put together 600 words on the best pizza in Florence, or a city guide to Positano. When this form of tragedy sets in, it is honestly quite difficult to do anything, to give a single care in the world, or even to manage to eat.

We have made a conscious effort over the last month or so to increase the amount of content we produce. Tragedy, however, has no plans. Tragedy doesn’t care about your goals, dreams, or agendas. As such, we have taken quite a hiatus from blogging and want to let you all know that this is, of course, temporary. We are starting to get back in the saddle and hope to continue to be your go to source for travel inspiration and advice.

We all face tragedy. Your battle might be different from ours. You might be dealing with a breakup, financial troubles, depression of any form, etc. We implore you to be real. Post your feelings (without being the person who constantly has the “poor me” story on Facebook). Be true to who you are, and lean on your friends and family in times of need – that is exactly what we have done these past two weeks. Social media, to many, may seem like a place to share political views, pictures of a meal, etc….but don’t be afraid to use it for the reason it was ultimately created – to connect people. Leverage your friends and followers to be the support system you need when you need them. Stay positive, but stay real. Don’t be afraid to post when you have a bad day. Reading amazing comments of support and love on a post when you’ve shared your raw soul is the best feeling ever. Spread love! Give as much love and support to others as you can! You may just give a smile to someone who really needed it that day. And that, in and of itself, is enough.

This blog is dedicated to Patricia Lynn Gallagher. Patty was the most benevolent, selfless, happy, and loving person on the Earth. To honor her and keep her positive energy alive, love a little stronger, care a little more, and devote yourself to helping others when they’re in a time of need. RIP mom.

We have started a fund to honor Patty and to benefit the City of Hope. Please do not feel solicited by this in any way, but if you feel an urge to contribute, your support would be warmly welcomed. Thank you all.



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